Baby Born With Gray Hair Has The Internet Talking

We are all unique in our own way, and our world is a better place due to the diversity it abounds with. Yet, there are times when we are simply reminded that we should appreciate life and its uniqueness.

It would be an understatement to say that people were surprised when baby Bence was born at a hospital in Székesfehérvár, Hungary.

The whole process ran smoothly, fortunately, with no complications or problems. It was a normal birth, and the baby boy weighed in at just under 12 pounds, stood at 21 inches high, and was born with a full head of hair.

However, what makes this adorable baby unique is that he came into the world with a head full of beautiful snow-white hair! His parents were happy to know that he is in perfect health, but doctors were puzzled and couldn’t indicate the cause of it.

The baby is not an albino, a condition in which the skin lacks melanin pigment. Physicians examined a sample of his blood and tested his melanin levels.

The main doctor in charge of Bence’s case, Dr. Zoltan Kummer, after testing Bence’s blood, found that his blood did carry the low levels of melanin synonymous with albinism.

He concluded that this low level contributed to Bence’s unique hair color. However, this didn’t answer all of the questions, as the baby’s skin was unlike any other albino case since he was not missing the pigment in his skin – only in his hair.

Babies typically develop melanin as they age, and this is the reason why many babies are born with blue eyes and blonde hair, only to see that coloration change dramatically through childhood.

Yet, the strange locks of this handsome boy weren’t linked to prenatal stress, either.

As time went on, Dr. Kummer started suspecting that the loss of pigment in his hair is only temporary and confined to his hair. He also believes his melanin levels would increase over time, just like in many other babies.

Over time Bence’s condition gathered momentum and it got even more attention. Medical experts from all around the world got interested in the subject.

They could only hazard a guess as to why it was only his hair that was indicative of albinism. Many thought that the most obvious reason was genetics while others believed it was due to a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Doctors are still unsure of the cause of his hair color, but what was a relief for Bence’s parents, all tests showed that Bence is a healthy and happy baby.

His lovely hair has made him an internet sensation even though he is very young, and the nurses in the maternity ward started calling him Prince Charming.
We are charmed too!

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We are all unique in our own way, and our world is a better place due to the diversity it abounds with. Yet, there are times when we are simply reminded that we should appreciate life and its uniqueness.

It would be an understatement to say that people were surprised when baby Bence was born at a hospital in Székesfehérvár, Hungary.

The whole process ran smoothly, fortunately, with no complications or problems. It was a normal birth, and the baby boy weighed in at just under 12 pounds, stood at 21 inches high, and was born with a full head of hair.

However, what makes this adorable baby unique is that he came into the world with a head full of beautiful snow-white hair! His parents were happy to know that he is in perfect health, but doctors were puzzled and couldn’t indicate the cause of it.

The baby is not an albino, a condition in which the skin lacks melanin pigment. Physicians examined a sample of his blood and tested his melanin levels.

The main doctor in charge of Bence’s case, Dr. Zoltan Kummer, after testing Bence’s blood, found that his blood did carry the low levels of melanin synonymous with albinism.

He concluded that this low level contributed to Bence’s unique hair color. However, this didn’t answer all of the questions, as the baby’s skin was unlike any other albino case since he was not missing the pigment in his skin – only in his hair.

Babies typically develop melanin as they age, and this is the reason why many babies are born with blue eyes and blonde hair, only to see that coloration change dramatically through childhood.

Yet, the strange locks of this handsome boy weren’t linked to prenatal stress, either.

As time went on, Dr. Kummer started suspecting that the loss of pigment in his hair is only temporary and confined to his hair. He also believes his melanin levels would increase over time, just like in many other babies.

Over time Bence’s condition gathered momentum and it got even more attention. Medical experts from all around the world got interested in the subject.

They could only hazard a guess as to why it was only his hair that was indicative of albinism. Many thought that the most obvious reason was genetics while others believed it was due to a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Doctors are still unsure of the cause of his hair color, but what was a relief for Bence’s parents, all tests showed that Bence is a healthy and happy baby.

His lovely hair has made him an internet sensation even though he is very young, and the nurses in the maternity ward started calling him Prince Charming.
We are charmed too!


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